4chan alien photo was probably all one big hoax
The 'Alien photo took down 4chan' saga has turned out to probably be all one big joke. There have been a load of images re-posted ...
I spotted and filmed my very own UFO sighting over Newcastle, UK
I have been running this blog for a few years now sharing news of the paranormal, UFO's and also one or two of my own ...
Naked ghost caught on motion sensor camera
What looks like to be a ghost of a naked woman walking across a garden has been captured on a motion sensor camera. Reddit user ...
More creepy sounds in the skies, this time above Plymouth UK
For quite a while now there have often been reports of strange sounds from the skies above cities and towns from all around the world. ...
Watch as a UFO splits into 7 objects over Mexico
A UFO has been filmed splitting into 7 objects in the skies of Colima, Mexico. The witness who filmed the footage spotted the UFO but ...
Alien skull spotted on Mars
Paranormal investigators known as Paranormal Crucible have said that they have spotted an alien skull on mars while research through NASA's photos of taken by ...
UFO chases a jet over New Hampshire
A New Hampshire resident has filmed what they believe is a UFO chasing a jet across the sky. It was filed under case 81792 at ...
Google Earth image shows an alien abduction
Google earth has captured the exact moment an alien abduction was taking place. Well that's according to John Mooner the self-proclaimed 'Chief photographer of UFO's'. ...
UFO in Greece filmed on CCTV
Back in February 2011 a UFO was captured on a CCTV camera from a shop in Greece. The owner of the shop kept his footage ...
A poltergeist opens a candle lantern door on a hotel bar
CCTV footage recorded at the Antrobus Hotel in Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK, appears to show a poltergeist opening a candle lantern door on the bar as ...