Tag Archives: child

Ghost child caught on camera by leaving it gifts

A mum-of-three claimed she has proof that she is being haunted by a small “ghost child”. Melanie Parkinson said the the spirit, which she named Amanda, was caught behind a mirror inside her home. She had earlier left out gifts for the ghost, such as a doll, in a bid to …

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Ghost child’s face snapped in photo at a Fort Horsted

A team of spirit seekers from Hunter Tours, a paranormal investigation group took a group of ghost enthusiasts into tunnels underground. They only had torches to light the way, and all agreed they heard something shuffling down a dark alleyway. Colin Waterman managed to catch the image on camera at …

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Ghost of a child is spotted at the window of an abandoned asylum in Ireland

Supernatural investigators who visited a psychiatric hospital described as a “vision of hell” claim to have captured a spooky image of a ghost peering out a window. Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland (PSI) recently visited Our Lady’s Psychiatric Hospital in Ennis, Ireland, home to thousands of patients between its opening in 1868 and closure …

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Ghost of a child is filmed at an English Pub

A security camera in the Lamb and Lion pub in York, England, has filmed what many believe to be a ghost of a child. The apparition was spotted by assistant manager Lee Smith while checking through footage and has left him creeped out. The video shows the apparition come through …

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Amazing capture of a child ghost on camera

Soul Reaper Paranormal are a paranormal investigation team here in the UK. I have followed them on Facebook and YouTube for a while now and they do capture some interesting stuff during their investigations. However during a recent random investigation they captured what they think could be a child spirit, …

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Mother films ghost of her son from a past life

A mother from the West Midlands, UK, claims that she has filmed the ghost of her ‘son from a past life’ walking past her TV and around her living room. In the footage you can see what looks like an apparition of a small figure which walks across the room …

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