Paranormal Ball of Light Caught on CCTV

In Zaporozhye, Southeast Ukraine, a weird ball of light or orb has been captured on a synagogues CCTV camera. The ball of light was discovered by rabbi Michael Oishie who discovered it while looking through the footage. He then shared it on Facebook. Some suggested explanations are that it’s a …

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Have Scientists Cracked the Secrets of the Paranormal?

Scientists reckon they have discovered the secrets of the paranormal….. Mould! Researchers from Clarkson University in New York think they have discovered a possible link between supernatural encounters and the toxic effects of some types of mould spores when they are breathed in They believe poor air quality may a …

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Video of a Haunted Doll called Peggy… Watch At your Own Risk!

I came across an article in the Daily Mail today about a supposedly haunted doll that has been causing havoc with paranormal enthusiasts around the world, apparently causing one British woman to suffer a heart attack. Jayne Harris a paranormal investigator said she has received an influx of messages from …

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Mystery Radio Waves From Space Could Be Aliens!

Mysterious radio waves from outer space that bear remarkable mathematical patterns have got scientists scratching their heads.  Some are convinced that these waves are being produced by intelligent extraterrestrial life. According to radio astronomers, the ‘fast radio bursts’ have been picked up since 2001, and follow a mathematical pattern, causing …

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Woman Being Haunted By Her Dead Brother

Donna Ayres believes she is being terrorised by her dead brother and has caught evidence on her mobile phone camera. The video shows a cup seemingly moving on its own and lights swinging in its own accord. Apparently she has had to move house 5 times to escape the disturbances …

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Toddler Pushed Over By Unseen Force

Yes its been a while since my last post on this blog.  Over 2 years in fact, wow! it’s really been that long?!   My intentions of updating regularly didn’t go to plan, as you can probably tell.  But I’m back to get things back on track.  There seems to …

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Hello everyone, welcome to the Paranormal Globe blog. I’ve had an interest and fascination in all things paranormal for many years now, as far back as being a kid to be honest.  Whenever I hear a story about ghosts or ufo’s or any other strange sightings or happenings whether its …

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