The Mandela Effect
What is the Mandela Effect? It is the name given to an instance where an individual remembers a certain detail differently to how it currently ...
Has the Black Knight satellite started taking a closer look at us?
I have been fascinated for years by the fact that an alleged alien satellite has been orbiting earth for thousands of years. Whether there is ...
The Audubon House’s spooky doll has vanished
A doll which resides in Audubon House in Key West Florida, which was once the home of Captain Jack Geiger and his 12 children over ...
Could this be a demon captured on a camera?
A teacher from London could have photographed an actual demon while he was visiting his parents house in Jamaica. He said that he took a ...
Paranormal Ball of Light Caught on CCTV
In Zaporozhye, Southeast Ukraine, a weird ball of light or orb has been captured on a synagogues CCTV camera. The ball of light was discovered ...
Have Scientists Cracked the Secrets of the Paranormal?
Scientists reckon they have discovered the secrets of the paranormal..... Mould! Researchers from Clarkson University in New York think they have discovered a possible link ...
Video of a Haunted Doll called Peggy… Watch At your Own Risk!
I came across an article in the Daily Mail today about a supposedly haunted doll that has been causing havoc with paranormal enthusiasts around the ...
Mystery Radio Waves From Space Could Be Aliens!
Mysterious radio waves from outer space that bear remarkable mathematical patterns have got scientists scratching their heads. Some are convinced that these waves are being ...
Woman Being Haunted By Her Dead Brother
Donna Ayres believes she is being terrorised by her dead brother and has caught evidence on her mobile phone camera. The video shows a cup ...
Toddler Pushed Over By Unseen Force
Yes its been a while since my last post on this blog. Over 2 years in fact, wow! it's really been that long?! My ...