Man spots mysterious figure stalking him after looking through old photos
ONE man's holiday snaps from years past may have revealed something truly terrifying. Selfies taken a moment apart show a tourist photographing his reflection on ...
Dulce residents claim UFO’s and Bigfoot have been spotted in their area
When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of a tiny town in northern New Mexico ...
There is something spooky about this photo of linen mill girls taken in 1900
This photograph taken in 1900 of linen mill girls in Belfast, Ireland, seems innocent enough at first glance, but take a longer look and you ...
Live Stream – Watch to see if Anne the Haunted Doll moves by herself
This is Anne the Haunted Doll. She was a tuberculosis patient at Waverly Hills Sanatorium in the 1920's. The Lineup along with Destination America have ...
Creepy 100 year old doll is caught moving all by itself
The owner of this doll, which is apparently over 100 years old, was so convinced that it moved by itself during the night that she ...
This woman is being exorcised of her demonic possession
This footage which is quite graphic shows a possessed woman being exorcised of her demonic possession on a beach surrounded by people. The video was ...
CCTV captures man walking straight through closed doors
CCTV footage filmed outside a shop in the US has caught a man walking straight through the shops closed doors. The man wearing a dark ...
You can now submit your own posts!
You can now submit your own posts to appear on Do you want to share a story, share some news of the paranormal or ...
Are there demons living upstairs?
Do you have noisy neighbours? How well do you know them? Could they be Satan worshipers or could they even be an actual demon? Spare ...
Something weird is caught on a security camera in Turkey
Something weird and unexplained as been caught on a security camera in Turkey. What is it? its hard to say! It looks like a small ...