Ghost of children wearing white socks were spotted at the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana
A couple staying in one of 'America's most haunted houses' got more than they bargained for when they filmed a trio of 'ghosts' feet' walking ...
The Witching Hour paranormal TV show wins indie series award
"The Witching Hour" was named the Best Non-Fiction Series of 2019 at the 10th Annual Indie Series Awards on Wednesday, April 3rd. Argos Paranormal is ...
Where is Momo located?
If there is any anonymous creature that has scared the daylight off kids, then Momo is top of the list. Have you ever heard of ...
Parents are convinced their baby was scratched by a ghost
Even if you're not a believer in paranormal activity or the afterlife, there's a good chance you'll want to know more about these parents who ...
Korean ghost hunter captures EVP’s
I was recently sent this video from one of Paranormal Globe visitors. The video was recorded by a Korean ghost hunter and is said to ...
Pilot spots UFO hovering at 7,000ft over Las Vegas using night vision goggles
A PILOT'S incredible encounter with a UFO 7,000ft over Las Vegas has been caught in an audio recording. While flying the Mercy Air 21 helicopter ...
Casey Nolan of Mind Seed TV opens a cursed Dybbuk Box
Just a quick post today. You have most likely heard of a Dybbuk Box, if you haven't then its a box that supposedly has a ...
Ghost caught on camera at eerie footpath in Essex, UK
I will leave this to make your own decision on whether you think this is real or not. A freelance content creator Rob Wakefield believes ...
Ghost hunter claims he has the worlds best evidence of life after death
A ghost hunter from Cornwall is convinced that he has the proof of life after death in a video showing figures 'emerging from a grave'. Mark Davies, ...
Was this accident caused by someone teleporting?
This dash-cam footage from China shows a person who seems to appear out of nowhere into the middle of the road and cause a car ...