CCTV cameras captured the strange moment a bicycle appeared to move its pedals without a rider. Chilling CCTV footage has captured the moment a bicycle appears to move its pedals without a rider – prompting many to suspect that it could be down to the work of a ghost . …
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Ghost Watch Live – The Sallie House 72 hour live broadcast
The most haunted house in America, The Sallie House, is currently steaming live for 72 hours on YouTube. 8 cameras are broadcasting live from in 8 different rooms in the house. Will one of the Sallie House spirits show themselves? The house was brought to national attention when Debra and …
Read More »Chester’s Stanley Palace ghosts have been photographed
Paranormal investigators who were investigating at Stanley Palace in Chester, UK, say they have photographed two of the ghosts which are said to haunt the property. A spooky hooded figure was photographed on the staircase and a ghostly vision of a woman was photographed in a mirror at the palace …
Read More »Ghost of an American Civil War soldier captured on camera
You may or may not have seen this footage before. This video was shot by ghost hunters who decided to visit Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, US, to see if they could find any evidence of haunting’s on a civil war battleground. The video was originally posted onto YouTube back in 2013 …
Read More »Another poltergeist in the kitchen
It seems poltergeist’s like to hang out in kitchens. A lot of ‘poltergeist caught on camera’ videos are filmed in kitchens. Maybe it’s because there are a lot of things to throw about. A guy called Brad Prior had been experiencing ghostly goings on in his house for around a …
Read More »Police ‘witness paranormal events’ at family home including ‘dog levitating onto hedge’
Whether you believe in paranormal activity or not, the scene that apparently greeted officers on a house call in Glasgow does sound a little odd to say the least. Police on a call out to a property in Rutherglen witnessed clothes flying around, flickering lights, an upside down lampshade and an …
Read More »Man spots mysterious figure stalking him after looking through old photos
ONE man’s holiday snaps from years past may have revealed something truly terrifying. Selfies taken a moment apart show a tourist photographing his reflection on arrival at an airport. The first shows him and his camera, reflected in the black glass surface, but the second reveals an unexpected visitor. Walking …
Read More »Spooky footage shows a dead womans spirit leaving her body
This eerie footage shows what appears to be a woman’s spirit leaving her body after she died in a China hospital. The woman has a white sheet draped over her presumably because she is dead, but suddenly a spirit like figure rises from her body then floats off towards and out …
Read More »Watch as a Poltergeist throws a cup and plate towards investigator and house owner
If this is not fake then it is some very good footage of a poltergeist at work. Ian Hawke claims he is being haunted by a number of spirits in is home in Abbey Wood, London. Back on July 14th Ian captured some spooky footage of a ghost on his …
Read More »Spooky figure photobombs selfie
You get some very interesting things posted on Reddit every now and again and this is one of those more intriguing posts. A Reddit user posted this creepy photo asking for any ideas on what could be lurking in the background of this selfie. They explained that a friend of theirs …
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