Last year we heard about some ancient alien artifacts that had been discovered in a cave in Mexico (you can read about that here) and now more artifacts have apparently been discovered that are being claimed to be proof that aliens visited Earth 5,000 years ago. A video showing the …
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Man records strange lights in the woods outside his house
A guy has shared videos on YouTube of what looks like a strange light or lights in woods outside his home. The previous day he found strange hand prints on his front door which he had no idea of where they could have come from or what animal could have …
Read More »Watch as a large ghost orb is seen rising from the bed as women is sleeping
A woman from Manchester, UK, has recorded on CCTV, spirit orbs floating around her bedroom and a large one rising from her bed while she is sound asleep. Jodie believes her house to be very haunted and set up CCTV cameras in all her rooms to capture proof of paranormal …
Read More »Security guard spots UFO flying near a remote train station
A security guard working at a remote train station on the border between China and Russia, spotted and recorded on CCTV a strange orb like UFO flying past. The guard was alone at the Dayangqi railway station at the time so there were no other witnesses. It also apparently only …
Read More »The ghost of the last man hanged in Cornwall has been caught on camera
A ghost has been caught on camera which is believed to be the apparition of William Hampton who was the last man to be hanged in the UK. The apparition was filmed at Bodmin Jail in Cornwall, UK, by Tony Ferguson who says that he can ‘communicate with the other …
Read More »The ghost of Stan Laurel is photographed by paranormal investigator
A paranormal investigator says he had a conversation with comedy legend Stan Laurel while he was investigating the derelict Kings Cinema in Bishop Auckland, UK, and took a picture to prove it. Micky Vermooch described Stan’s voice as being gentle and he also claims that he smelled of Macassar oil …
Read More »A mysterious bright light appears in the night sky over a Columbian town
Footage has emerged that shows a huge bright ball of light shining through the clouds of the night sky over Ocana, Columbia. Some residents of the town were said to have been in fear that it was an alien invasion. Witnesses say that the light stayed in one spot …
Read More »Ghost Hunters record eerie voices in church near childrens graves
A paranormal investigation team have recorded eerie voices at a haunted church in Cambridge, UK, that is said to be built over unmarked graves of children that had died around Christmas. The voice can be heard as saying “let me out”. Hammering sounds were also recorded along with strange orb …
Read More »Five Videos for People Who Don’t Yet Know about Authentic ‘Channeling’
During 2017 and several preceding years, ‘channeling‘ has been the subject of a variety of articles at this blog with the most recent article published last week. Nevertheless, I’m aware that there are some people who haven’t yet begun exploring this topic. Therefore, provided below are five links to videos selected for people who haven’t …
Read More »Does this video show a ghost throwing cushions in the garden
Its been a while since my last post. It’s that time of year for parties, gatherings and get togethers and hangovers! that there hasn’t been that much free time lately to post anything. I did come across this video today though. Womens Olympic hockey Gold Medalist Sam Quek has shared CCTV …
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