UFO spotted above erupting volcano in Mexico

January 11, 2023

A stunned healthcare worker has shared an image of an erupting volcano with what appears to be a UFO hovering above it.

Karla Garcia’s boyfriend Luis Guerra snapped the photo of the Popocatépetl volcano, which is near her home in Atlixco, Mexico, early on Sunday, January 8.

It shows the 10,000-foot volcano with a plume of smoke drifting lazily from its crater and – just to the right – a distinctly disc-shaped object.

“Since my boyfriend is not a fan of social networks,” Karla said, “I asked him if I could upload his photo to Twitter and he said yes”.

Unfortunately. Karla only uploaded one image of the extraordinary sight to her Facebook account, so it’s hard to get a sense of how fast the mysterious object might have been moving.

She captioned the image “Today’s photo at 7:52 am. Popocatépetl, the moon and possibly a UFO…”

While Karla declares herself agnostic about the subject of alien visitors, Atlixco is known for its long association with paranormal phenomena.

There’s a stretch of road just outside the town where – according to paranormal believers – the normal laws of gravity do not apply and rocks, footballs and even cars have been known to roll uphill of their own accord.

There have also been multiple sightings of the Chupacabra, the legendary beast of Mexico, in the area.

And of course the area has had more than its fair share of UFO sightings.

In the mid-1990s Atlixco was thought of as one of the top 10 UFO hotspots in the world.

Punto Marconi, a hill just outside of town, has been the site of so many flying saucer sightings that in 2001 it was adorned with a UFO sculpture. The artwork’s formal name is “El OVNI de la Casita Blanca de Atlimeyaya,” or “The UFO of the Little White House of Atlimeyaya.”

Rumours of Popocatépetl being a secret extraterrestrial base have died down over the past few years, and the once-gleaming metal structure has fallen into disrepair.

But with the emergence of Karla’s photo, which has gone viral on social networks around the world, Atlixco’s reputation as a centre for close encounters could soon be revived.

Source: Daily Star

What do you think? Is it a UFO or a bird flying past?

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
