Schoolboy photobombed by ghost girl during a playground visit

A teenage boy was left so creeped out after finding a “ghost girl ” photobombing him in a snap that he had to spend the night in his mum’s room.

Mum Ayesha Wilson-Bent recalled the moment when Gabriel Ashmore, 14, sent her 12-year-old brother a picture of him beaming from inside a tower of tyres.

As Kristian Ashmore scrolled through the pictures, he noticed something out of the ordinary in one of the snaps.

He spotted what he thought was a cobweb near his head. But upon zooming in on the mystery shape, his heart dropped to his stomach.

He was horrifyingly confronted by what appeared to be the face of a young girl looming over his shoulders. Upon showing his mum the photo, initially the wary stay-at-home mum quizzed the pair over whether they had edited the spooky snap – but the boys admitted they hadn’t.

After trying to edit the scary image herself by changing the lighting around, the 36-year-old decided that her lads couldn’t have possibly inserted the ominous creature.

The mum said: “I do believe in ghosts but I was a little sceptical. I was like ‘there must be a reason for this’, so I asked them if they’d added the face on Photoshop.

“They were both adamant that they hadn’t. I tried to see if I could edit in a face myself, but I couldn’t do it.

“They were so shocked and scared, I knew they hadn’t messed around with the photo. My boys aren’t advanced Photoshop editors.

“I looked at the times when they took the photo and when they sent it to me – it was literally seconds. There wasn’t time for them to edit it.”

And Kristian was left so terrified by this that he refused to go to bed alone and stayed in Ayesha’s room, with his mum saying: “Kristian was terrified. He ended up sleeping in my room that night, he was so scared.”

Once the initial shock wore off, Ayesha said the family have become more excited about the apparent supernatural being in the photo.

Ayesha said: “We’re at the point now where we find the picture more exciting than scary. It’s a rare catch I think.

“It turned into a bit of excitement where we thought ‘wow, I can’t believe we captured that’.”

The photo was shared on social media, but spirit-spotters were left divided – with some believing it to be real, while others have claimed it is the work of an “amateur editor”.

The mum from Nuneaton, Warwickshire added: “I’ve not been able to come up with an explanation for the face.

“I’ve put it on a few Facebook groups and sent it to family and friends, they’ve been freaked out too.

“The comments on the groups were very 50-50, a lot of people think it’s real but a lot of other people were like ‘no, it’s photoshopped, it’s fake’.

“It’s very mixed, but I’d say most people commenting believed it was real.”

One person on the Facebook ghost group wrote: “Definitely not fake hun, it’s a girl about nine years old.

“Obviously wants to play with your sons. So sad when the spirit is lost, bless her…brilliant. Thanks for sharing.”

While another commented: “Sod people’s negative opinions, if you know it’s real, that’s all that matters.”

However, other users weren’t as convinced, as one sceptic wrote: “What a load of rubbish.”

And another said: “Amateur editor at work here…the face was clearly placed there.”

Despite mixed comments about the spooky snap, Ayesha said that the whole saga has left her excited, adding: “It’s made me believe a lot more in ghosts.”

Source: Mirror

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Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
