Visit Edinburgh’s most haunted places in a live Ghost Tour this Friday

If you have always wanted to hear about the many ghost haunts of Edinburgh then this Friday at 2pm BST you can join a free-to-view live streaming Ghost of Edinburgh lecture.

You will find out what entity haunts the South Bridge vaults, what the real history is behind the poltergeists and spirits that linger in Edinburgh Old Town and many more spooky tales.

Ash Pryce, stage mentalist and former Ghost Tour Guide, will tell you tales of Edinburgh’s old and ghostly world, and look at the research that has been used to both justify and debunk the hauntings of the old town.

He will spread his gaze further afield to East Lothian, where in 2009 the world’s most convincing ghost photograph was taking, but just what might be causing the entity?

The lecture will be streaming live on Lauriston Castle’s facebook page.

More information of the live ghost tour can be read on Edinburgh Museums and Galleries website here

Lecture starts at 2pm BST

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
