The Field Review

Just recently I had the opportunity to watch a new Paranormal indie film called “The Field”

The field is an interesting mix of Paranormal and Science Fiction with a little bit of horror added.

We see Ben and Lydia (Tim Higgins and Kara Mulrooney) buy a farmstead in Manitowoc, Wisconsin to help save their marriage and start a family but little did they know that their new home hides a dark past.

Things start getting weird when mysterious figures start appearing in Ben’s Photos that he takes of the fields around the farm. Think of famous photo’s such as The Solway Firth Spaceman and you get the premise of the film.

The cast of the field also includes veteran actors Veronica Cartwright who plays Edith and Mark Metcalf playing the Sheriff, their acting experience showing in their characters and scenes.

This unique indie film is entertaining right from the start, keeping the viewer guessing right until the end.

With good acting, good cinematography and being a little trippy at times, I would recommend watching The Field if your looking for something slightly different from the conventional Paranormal type film.


Here are the screening and release dates to look out for.

  • Digital release: Tues., Sept. 24
    iTunes, Amazon Video, & addl. platforms (TBD Aug. 24)
  • Theatrical screenings: Filmmaker and actors in attendance 
  • Festival screenings (more being added): Filmmaker and actors in attendance
    • Scarefest Horror & Paranormal Film Festival Sept. 12-15
    • Milwaukee Film Festival, Oct. 17-31
    • Twin Cities Film Festival, Oct. 16-26
    • Driftless Film Festival, Oct. 31-Nov. 3 Opening Night Film

The Field website:

*I was invited to watch The Field. This review is of my own thoughts and opinion

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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