Ghost of Admiral Nelson’s wife is filmed on HMS Victory
Is this the ghost of Admiral Nelson’s wife that can be seen in this video? Paranormal investigator Tony Ferguson believes it is.
The video was sent Caters News and posted onto Caters Clips YouTube Channel.
Caters news said “A personal trainer has captured spine-tingling footage of what he believes to be the ghost of Admiral Nelson’s wife aboard the HMS Victory.
“In the eerie footage what appears to be the ghostly figure of a woman in a dress and heels walks through the upper chamber of the warship – before disappearing through a wall.
“Tony Ferguson was enjoying a day out last week exploring the vessel, which was Lord Nelson’s flagship in the Battle of Trafalgar, when he started to feel like someone – or something – was following him.
“The 33-year-old, who has a passion for paranormal investigation, quickly got out his video camera and panned around the chamber.”
What do you think? Real of fake?