A poltergeist opens a candle lantern door on a hotel bar

January 19, 2017

CCTV footage recorded at the Antrobus Hotel in Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK,  appears to show a poltergeist opening a candle lantern door on the bar as if the ghost was going to light the candle.

The incident was witnessed by a ghost hunting team called Paranormal Wiltshire. However the team weren’t investigating the hotel, they had simply just met there to discuss future locations to investigate.

Mrs Wright, the founder of Paranormal Wiltshire said “We heard one hell of a clicking sound, which unfortunately wasn’t caught on the CCTV, it was so loud.

“As the lantern door clicked we all immediately turned and looked at it. We sat there with our jaws wide open, thinking ‘is this really happening?’. It was so exciting.”

“My friend Colin who’s a ‘sensitive’ [prone to detecting paranormal events] rushed up and did a cold scan but didn’t pick up anything.”

To check to see if there could have been any logical explanation she checked to make sure the candle was unlit, she also used a spirit level to make sure the bar was level and she also found the lantern door stiff to close.

She said “We’ve been sharing the footage with our paranormal friends in a bid to de-bunk it but even our most sceptical contacts are having trouble working it out.

“It’s flummoxed us all.

“Even as an investigator I’m really sceptical but I would love there to be something paranormal about it.

“That’s the kind of thing you hope and pray for on an investigation, just not when you’re really relaxed in the middle of the day having a cup of tea and some biscuits.”

The manager of the hotel said that many former employees claimed to have seen apparitions, ghosts and experienced strange goings on while working there.

It is believed that the hotel, which was originally a coaching inn, was built on the grounds of an 11th century abbey which would have been used by monks.

I’m not too sure why there would a lantern conveniently perched on the end of the bar. What do you think?


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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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