Woman in black spirit photographed on stairs

A ghost hunting team known as Equinox Paranormal Research UK believe that they have photographed the ghost of the woman in black that is said to haunt Bolling Hall in Bradford, UK.


Julie who took the photo said that a member of her team saw an apparition of and old maid wearing an apron on the stairs. Julie immediately grabbed her camera and started snapping the staircase

You can see that the photo seems to show an apparition of a woman in black walking down the stairs, her hand holding onto the bannister.

Julie said: “I take three pictures at a time to compare them just in case, so that I can always check to see what differences there are between the images.

“One member of our team said they had seen a woman in black on the stairs. So I said right, let’s all go to the door so that there was only me there.

“I took the three photos just like usual and there she was. I didn’t see anything with my own eyes at all near the stairs.

“I thought it was fantastic, as suspected paranormal pictures go, it’s a really good picture.

“The guest who saw the woman said she had a white apron on around her waist and a black dress underneath.

“It does look possibly like an old servant or maid. But I have no idea really.

“I have sent it to many experts who have seen all kinds of paranormal photos and have even analysed it on their expensive machinery and they say it’s definitely a ghost hand that you can see on the stairs. Everyone says it’s fantastic.

“On the night, people had seen lots of orbs and heard lots of noises and voices etc, but no one else has come forward to say they caught anything on camera.

“But spotting this certainly doesn’t scare me off investigating – quite the opposite, it makes me want to do more.

“The picture is pretty high up in terms of pictures of the paranormal. I have been told by so-called ‘experts’ that it’s one of the best they have ever seen.

“What you have to do is really try to debunk every picture before you put it out there and say ‘look at this’. You can’t just put any old rubbish out there.

“But that’s exactly what we did here. No one was in the building at all when we took the picture, we had brought everyone out of the front door. Even the staff were stood behind me at the front door.

“If it is a person and not something paranormal then they have a terrible skin condition on their hand, that’s for sure.”


Bolling Hall is known as one of the most haunted buildings in Yorkshire.  It has also appeared in an episode of Most Haunted with Yvette Fielding and her team investigating the property.

It does look like a woman walking down the stairs.  what do you think?


About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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