Bigfoot spotted on a Colorado mountain
Bigfoot has been spotted and filmed walking through shrubs on a Colorado mountain by train passengers. During the Narrow Gauge train ride from Durango to ...
10 Most Famous Cryptids Around the World
In the world of folklore and urban legends, cryptids hold a unique place. These mysterious creatures, often elusive and unverified by scientific evidence, have captured ...
X-rated Bigfoot movie scoops multiple awards
An adult movie about Sasquatch has scooped multiple awards at a UK film festival - “You know what they say about guys with big feet!” ...
Expedition Bigfoot returns on Sunday, March 20
A year after devastating wildfires forced the team to evacuate the Olympic Peninsula, just as they unearthed fascinating new evidence, acclaimed primatologist Dr. Mireya Mayor ...
Little Bigfoot played with camper’s car
I haven't been posting much lately but looking to get back to posting regular again. This story caught my attention. I'm not sure what to ...
Did baseball star capture Bigfoot on his camera?
Did baseball player Jordy Mercer capture Bigfoot on his deer cam? The remote deer cam is set up on his property to track deer but ...
Irish Bigfoot is photographed walking through a haunted forest
A dog walker became freaked out when she spotted what looks like a Bigfoot creature in a photo she took while out walking her dog ...
Dulce residents claim UFO’s and Bigfoot have been spotted in their area
When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of a tiny town in northern New Mexico ...