Shooting star UFO’s are witnessed by many people hovering over Los Angeles
A video has appeared on YouTube which shows two UFO's hovering above Los Angeles. It was filmed from the Griffin Observatory and witnessed by a large ...
UFO filmed over the Baltic Sea heading for Russia
Video footage of what appears to be a small cluster of UFO's flying over the Baltic Sea and heading in the direction of Russia as ...
Has the Black Knight satellite started taking a closer look at us?
I have been fascinated for years by the fact that an alleged alien satellite has been orbiting earth for thousands of years. Whether there is ...
UFO Invasion in Osaka Japan
What looks like a swarm of UFO's has been captured on camera in Japan's port city of Osaka. The footage was uploaded to a Japanese ...
New Map Shows UFO Sightings from Around the World from 1933 to Today
A blogger on data analysis website Quantbait, Levi Pearson, created a map using data from the National UFO Reporting Center and map making software CartoDB. ...
Mystery Radio Waves From Space Could Be Aliens!
Mysterious radio waves from outer space that bear remarkable mathematical patterns have got scientists scratching their heads. Some are convinced that these waves are being ...
Denver UFO’s Baffle Media and Aviation Experts
Here is a story I came across today of UFO's over Denver. A man who wants to remain anonymous has captured on video UFO's over ...
Hello everyone, welcome to the Paranormal Globe blog. I've had an interest and fascination in all things paranormal for many years now, as far back ...