UK Haunted to host the World’s Largest Séance
Halloween is almost upon us and this Halloween weekend Really Channel are teaming up with British paranormal team 'UK Haunted' in an attempt to set ...
Photo taken of a ghost at an abandoned Scottish hut
A photographer has posted an unbelievable pic of what appears to be a ghostly face looking out of an abandoned stone hut near an old Scottish cemetery in Largs. ...
A Witch is captured in a photo at the Clootie Well in Scotland
A pair of ghost hunters claim to have captured the spooky image of a witch at one of Scotland's most atmospheric sites. Lee and Linzi ...
Netflix drop new trailer for The Haunting of Bly Manor
Netflix have just released a trailer for the eagerly awaited 'The Haunting of Bly Manor'. They have also announced the airing date of October 7th. ...
Security firm boss is petrified after security camera shows ghostly woman on building site
Adam Lees, a security firm boss, was left petrified after CCTV cameras picked up a chilling image of a ghostly figure walking across a building site in ...
Horror production company launches a drive-in haunted house
A haunted house company in Japan came up with an unusual way to keep the scares going amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a drive-in haunted house. Kowagarasetai, a ...
A four day live streaming event – The Lizzie Borden Murder House
As the world continues to cope with a deadly pandemic, we struggle to find some sense of a ‘new normal’ and ways to combat the ...
Ghost hunter captures the spirit of a monk on film at Egerton Hotel in Bolton – UK
A ghost hunter is convinced he captured the spirit of a monk on camera during a paranormal investigation at an abandoned hotel. Kriss Power, 37, ...
Visit Edinburgh’s most haunted places in a live Ghost Tour this Friday
If you have always wanted to hear about the many ghost haunts of Edinburgh then this Friday at 2pm BST you can join a free-to-view ...
One of Mechanicsville’s most haunted locations ‘Cabin on 360’ will be featured on The Witching Hour.
Argos Paranormal is proud to announce that an all-new episode of their award-winning TV series The Witching Hour is now airing on select public access ...