A paranormal group take a photo of a ghost at the Ring o’ Bells pub.

October 16, 2022

A paranormal investigation team has released a chilling photograph taken during a night of spirit-hunting at an historic Kendal pub.

Paranormal Keepers, a group based in Cramlington, Northumberland, UK, booked the Ring o’ Bells pub in Kirkland to conduct the investigation with the assistance of a medium and lots of high-tech equipment, according to pub manager Scott Dawson.

The pub is well-known for reported ghostly happenings with Scott appearing on ITV’s This Morning in August about a video posted online showing a pint glass being moved by an invisible force in the pub. Its status as one of the only pubs in England built on hallowed ground only adds to its mystique.

The photo shows what appears to be a ghostly face looking out from a mysterious cavity behind a wall in a small vaulted room in the cellar – a room where paranormal activity has been reported several times before.

Sara Marshall, from Paranormal Keepers, said: “The photo itself was great evidence – I’ve never been in a building like it, it’s alive with activity, and not just from the living.

“It really was a privilege to be invited there – Tony (Leach, pub landlord), and Scott are amazing people.”

Source: The Westmoreland Gazette

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
