Strange unexplained image in the mirror
I was recently contacted by someone who had a strange experience with their bathroom mirror. A local glass company couldn’t give any answers as to what it could be so they sent over photos to share on here to see if anyone can help them explain or have answers as to what it could be?
They explained “Recently, earlier in the week I noticed an ‘unexplained’ ‘3D Structure’ image appearing on my bathroom mirror as I was taking a bath. I noticed then quickly took photo’s of it.
Before I saw anything on my mirror I had already cleaned it using just water and no chemical sprays of any kind.
So I called a local glass and mirror company and emailed them my photo’s. They were perplexed and had no answers but they thought it could be a result from oils in cleaners but as stated before I didn’t use any oils, plus oils don’t stay on wet a mirror, ‘from a science website’.
I have never done drugs and I am of sound mind and educated. It’s just me and my husband and we have no kids. My husband is just as stumped.
I feel that this is something so different that I don’t think anyone has seen before. Usually they are of faces on mirrors. Maybe someone has the answers?”
The image is strange if it is natural and it does look like a bridge or maybe a building with an archway underneath.
Can you help them as to what it could be? Have you seen something similar?