One of the United States’ most haunted towns to be featured on The Witching Hour
Argos Paranormal is proud to announce that the season three premiere of their multi-award-winning TV series, The Witching Hour, will begin airing on select public access TV stations throughout the United States starting on Sunday, May 16th.
In the first three episodes of the upcoming final season, investigators of Argos Paranormal along with local paranormal investigators in the Gettysburg region will be investigating The Grove, Sachs Bridge, and Eisenhower Bridge in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to see if all three locations live up to their titles as being a few of Gettysburg’s most notorious sites for discovering paranormal anomalies.
“We are very excited for viewers to not only learn more about three of Gettysburg’s most haunted locations, but to also be given an alternative look at the profound impact the Battle of Gettysburg had left on not just the three locations that will be seen in the first three episodes, but on the region as a whole,” said Ryan Martinez, Producer of The Witching Hour.
“These are a few little-known spots around Gettysburg that go overlooked by a lot of paranormal shows. It is nice to finally see a crew that ventures outside of that comfort zone of the already charted and doing what this field is built upon, investigating. That’s what this three-part episode is all about. Trying to see if these little-known places are truly active with paranormal activity,” said Brett Kuhn, a local paranormal investigator in Gettysburg.
“It’s exciting to observe these historical sites, off the beaten path. Tackling popular ghost stories, and dispelling old myths,” said Alexandria Thompson, a local paranormal investigator in Gettysburg.
Viewers can experience the first part of the team’s Gettysburg investigation in the season 3 premiere of the show which will begin airing on select public access TV stations starting on Sunday, May 16th. Additionally, the episode will also be published on the Argos Paranormal YouTube channel on Monday, May 24th