Ghost hunter believes he caught a ghost at Knowlton Church in Dorset
A Paranormal investigator believes to have caught evidence of ghostly activity at a Dorset church.
Jeff Higgins, 52, part of New Forest Paranormal Investigators, was visiting Knowlton Church in Cranborne on Saturday November 21 when he and his son Stephen caught what they believe to be a ghost on camera at around 10.30pm.
They were using a K2 Meter and a Mel Meter, both instruments used to measure paranormal activity through electromagnetic fields.
Jeff said: “We went there in the night and the K2 Meter was going mad.
“The readings on the Mel Meter were right up to 50.8, that is unheard of. If you put it next to a microwave it will go up to 15, to get those readings is pretty strange.
“On the way home, my son was recording, and we didn’t think anything else of it.
“We put it on the computer and that is when we saw the spirit. Personally, I think it is an intelligent haunting rather than a residual haunting.”
Jeff explained an intelligent haunting is when the entity is aware of its surroundings and can interact with it.
He founded the New Forest Paranormal Investigators group on Facebook, a place where people can post and discuss any ghostly activity they may have come across in the area.
He continued: “It materialises on the left-hand side, comes out, goes back then comes in in front of us.
“A residual haunting is when a spirit is always in the same place. There is an arch in the church so maybe it was trying to get there.”
Knowlton Church was built in the 12th century and was in use until the 17th century.
Its Norman origins are evident from the plain round arch leading into the east end or chancel, and from the round-headed arches of the arcade dividing the nave from the north aisle.
In the video, movement can be seen from the left side of the picture, moving across to the right.
Jeff said this is the most activity he has discovered in all his years investigating paranormal activity.
“I have been paranormal investigating for the last 11 years, I look for haunted places.
“I have had nothing like that, I have had strange orbs but that is one of the best.
“We are out there trying to catch proof of paranormal activity.
“It was my son Stephen who caught it, he was doing the recording.”
On where he may visit next, Jeff said he is looking around for places he can visit while adhering to coronavirus restrictions.
He said if anyone wants places investigated for paranormal activity to visit New Forest Paranormal Investigators on Facebook.
Source: Bournemouth Echo
What do you think, is it a ghost?