Ghost of a child is filmed at an English Pub

November 4, 2019

A security camera in the Lamb and Lion pub in York, England, has filmed what many believe to be a ghost of a child.

The apparition was spotted by assistant manager Lee Smith while checking through footage and has left him creeped out.

The video shows the apparition come through the doorway as a waitress clears the tables. The waitress seems oblivious to it.

There has been a number of reports of paranormal activity in the pub including hearing a child crying in the room above.

Lee has worked in the pub for four years. He claims the footage is unedited.

He said “The camera is close to the bar area and I was round there setting up after breakfast.

“I was checking the CCTV to see where my colleague, Molly was as we were cleaning and preparing for the day ahead.

“I saw the outline of what appeared to be a ghost which caused me to jump back shocked, thinking ‘what on earth is that?’

“Molly walked past none the wiser, so I called her and she came and looked at the footage. She was as startled as I was.

“She did say she thought I was in the room with her and felt someone behind her. I don’t believe in ghosts but that footage is pretty convincing.

“A lot of people are saying it’s the light glaring through the window and someone said it could be cobwebs but there aren’t any.

“It looks like a small girl in a dress. It was very strange, especially with Halloween this weekend. A few other colleagues have reported ghost sightings in the past so maybe it’s the building.”

What do you make of it?


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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
