Worlds Biggest Ghost Hunt on A&E Channel

This October you can watch the ‘Worlds Biggest Ghost Hunt: Pennhurst Asylum’ on A&E Channel.

It is the longest continuously filmed paranormal investigation in television history.

In this 2 hour special we see five paranormal investigators lock themselves in the legendary Pennhurst Asylum in Pennsylvania, USA, which once had more than 10,000 residents, mostly children, confined in the the most brutal conditions.

The asylum has had over 100 reports or paranormal activity with full body apparitions, physical attacks, mysterious noises and a lot more.

The investigators are locked in the asylum for two weeks to investigate and document paranormal activity. The owner granted them unprecedented access to the entire 110-acre property including areas which have never been investigated before.

During their two week investigation they record many strange things, from doors banging on their own to apparitions in the bathroom.

One night investigating during a vigil, one of the team, Austin George, claims he feels heavy chills and then complains that he feels like someone is on his back.

Moments later he chokes, convulses and keels over before having to be carried out of the building and attended to by medics. Was it a nervous breakdown or was he being possessed?

They also encounter an apparition moving in a bathroom area and capture a stick figure on the SLS camera in the same area they see the apparition. Is it the same spirit?

All this and along with doors banging on their own, EVP’s, voices on the SB11 spirit box and the teams continuous lack of sleep as the 14 days go by, its worth watching this when it airs on October 30th on A&E 8PM ET/PT.

*I had the opportunity to preview “Worlds Biggest Ghost Hunt: Pennhurst Asylum” for the purpose of this post.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Worlds Biggest Ghost Hunt: Pennhurst Asylum airs Wednesday 30th October at 8pm ET/PT.

Will you be watching?



About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.