Share Your Scare – A new TV show coming to Amazon Prime
Coming off the heels of their hit show, “Haunted Tours” The Jalbert Brothers will be premiering
another documentary-style show this October that will be sure to continue to please their fans’
love for all things horror.
Their latest project is Share Your Scare, an upcoming talk-show hosted by Danish psychic-medium, Valentina Marie Lomborg.
The show will follow Valentina as she interviews guests who have had real-life experiences with the paranormal. With a tentative release date of October 31, 2018 and an estimated eight episodes, “Share Your Scare” will be ready just in time for Halloween; premiering on on-demand outlet, Amazon Prime.
As for Valentina this will be her first foray into talk-shows after her ghost-hunting series, “Ghost Girl” was not picked up by networks.
She is also working on three autobiographical books detailing her most popular cases as a psychic-medium and paranormal investigator.
Her first book “A Voice for the Dead” should be released to Amazon later this year. For more information on Valentina’s abilities or to book a reading, check out her website at
To stay up to date on the series, follow The Jalbert Brothers on: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @jalbertbrothers
You can also follow Valentina on her Facebook fan page @PsychicMediumValentina