A ghost crossing the road in Armagh is captured on a dash cam

Could this be a ghost crossing the road and disappearing through a wall and into the grounds of a Cathedral?

The footage was apparently recorded on a dash cam at Vicars Hill in Armagh, Northern Ireland, just outside the grounds of the Church of Ireland Cathedral.

The person who shared the footage wants to remain anonymous but they sent the footage to Armagh I news site saying that their grandmother recorded the footage on her dash cam.

The anonymous person said “My granny is still hyperventilating from the shock of seeing the ghost”.

When zoomed in the figure does look like it could be wearing Georgian clothes.

Armagh has many tales of ghostly goings on in the city with tales of the Green Lady who would strike fear into kids, if they weren’t home by dark she would “get them”.  There is also a tale of the White Lady who lived at the folly.

What do you make of it?  is it a ghost? A glimpse into the past? or fake?

The original article and video can be found here



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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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