Are these the legs of a ghost child at a Lancashire pub?

February 25, 2016

Landlords of the Craven Heifer pub in Lancashire UK were shocked when they noticed this pair of ghostly legs in the photograph they had taken of their cellar.

ghost legs

The pub which is 191 years old was closed at the time the photo was taken. The only people in the pub were two contractors and their two year old daughter Hannah. It was taken for insurance purposes after the cellar flooded on boxing day.

Carl said “We can’t work out how the legs appeared! The photo was taken looking up the cellar steps. I don’t believe in hauntings but this has me baffled.

“The contractors couldn’t wait to get out of there but we just thought it was because the cellar roof’s low and they had to stoop down. They didn’t say a word but then the brewery boss showed me the photos.

“I thought it was a hoax at first as I don’t believe in ghosts but Liz does and was freaked out. The legs look like a child’s to me.”


Carl Williams and his fiance Liz Corcoran said that they have witness a series of ghostly goings on since taking over the pub in October.

Carl said “Once my fiance was waiting for a taxi to pick up the kids from school. Hannah was toddling around behind the bar then stood at the closed cellar door and started to have a conversation!

“Her vocabulary isn’t good but her ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ were clear. Liz and Hannah were the only people in the building.”

There have also been ghostly goings on in the ladies toilets too.

Carl remains sceptical though. “A river runs underneath the pub and there have been a few deaths nearby over the years. Customers talk about strange shadows too but a fly flitting across a light bulb can cause that” he said.

“We heard one tale though where a customer told the last landlord someone was waiting to be served. The L-shaped bar means you can’t always see who’s waiting, but when the landlord turned round there was no-one there.

“Some of the staff get nervous in the pub alone but what’s happened hasn’t put me off. It’s a lovely pub. If anyone can shed light on the matter though, we’d love to know.”


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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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  1. […] Landlords of the Craven Heifer pub in Lancashire UK were shocked when they noticed this pair of ghostly legs in the photograph  […]

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