Another Ghost spotted at Hampton Court Palace

So not so long ago the Grey Lady was said to have been caught on an iPhone camera at Hampton Court, now we have a ghost of a child caught on an iPhone camera in the stately home.

The photo was taken by a Sunday Express reporter during a sleepover last weekend to mark the Tudor buildings 500th anniversary

Nothing was out of the ordinary at the time he took the photo, he could only see the four mannequins in Georgian dress, but when he checked his iPhone later he noticed a strange mist hovering just above the floor.

When he looked closer he could make out a faint outline of a small child in an old-fashioned white nursery gown.

The spirits of children in Tudor dress are said to be among the many apparitions who wander the building at night while two youngsters who drowned in a lake are said to haunt the grounds.

The image was taken in the Queen’s Privy Chamber, where the Prince and Princess of Wales would receive courtiers in the absence of King George I.

James Fielding, the guy who took the photo said “I originally took the photo because I thought the mannequins and costumes looked creepy.

“As I looked at the image a little closer, though, I saw what appeared to be an outline of something near to one of the dresses, possibly a small child.

“It could of course be nothing more than the light reflecting off the shiny floorboards, but you never know.

“Hampton Court is one of those places where your mind can easily play tricks!”

This is the photo, you can just make out something, although very faint.  Maybe the ghosts of Hampton Court Palace like iPhone’s.

is this a ghostly child?

is this a ghostly child?


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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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  1. localcelebr1ty March 31, 2015 at 5:25 pm - Reply

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