If you believe in the paranormal you might not be surprised if you hear stories of deceased loved ones appearing during the night, huge explosions heard just as someone is drifting off with no obvious cause, and other peculiar occurrences. But what if you don’t? My interest in the paranormal …
The story of Carl Edon – The most compelling evidence of reincarnation
Amongst all things paranormal, stories of past life memories and reincarnation have often fascinated me. There have been a number of stories from people who believe they have lived before. They believe that they have memories of a previous life and some even remember how they died. Their memories usually …
Read More »Man records strange lights in the woods outside his house
A guy has shared videos on YouTube of what looks like a strange light or lights in woods outside his home. The previous day he found strange hand prints on his front door which he had no idea of where they could have come from or what animal could have …
Read More »Five Videos for People Who Don’t Yet Know about Authentic ‘Channeling’
During 2017 and several preceding years, ‘channeling‘ has been the subject of a variety of articles at this blog with the most recent article published last week. Nevertheless, I’m aware that there are some people who haven’t yet begun exploring this topic. Therefore, provided below are five links to videos selected for people who haven’t …
Read More »Are people in these cities interested in ‘connecting with the dead’?
Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Sheffield have been identified among the top UK cities for making the most ‘spooky’ searches on Google, according to research from fast house buying company Open Property Group. Ahead of Halloween, the company delved into the world of the supernatural to see which cities …
Read More »Russian man from Mars says the Great Sphinx of Giza can be unlocked using a mechanism behind its ear
Not so much a paranormal story but its a strange one. A Russian man claims he was born and lived on Mars in a previous life until there was a great war which wiped out all life on the planet in the distant past. He also claims that life on …
Read More »Urban legends and scary stories your heard as a child
I was listening to a radio show early today and they were talking about scary things you heard as a child and it got me thinking about the urban legends and spooky stories I heard when I was a kid that scared the bejesus of out me. We are going …
Read More »Another floating city appears in the sky above China
Floating cities have been seen quite a few times recently, this latest sighting was seen above north central China in Wuzhong City with many believing that they are looking at a parallel universe. The video shows what looks like tall transparent buildings and clear structures. The floating city appeared after …
Read More »Strange moving foam in Argentina hospital
This may not exactly be paranormal and there could well be a plausible explanation for this but I thought I would post it anyway as it does look very strange. At the Padilla Hospital of Tucumán in Argentina, while the cleaners were washing the floor they witnessed something very strange, so …
Read More »A burning witch is filmed taking off and flying away
A family from Mexico say they have filmed a witch engulfed in flames taking off and flying through the air. The footage was shot in the city of Monterrey in the north-eastern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. In the video you can see what looks like a something burning on …
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