Once Upon A Time In The Future: 2121

February 6, 2025

The award-winning dystopian sci-fi film Once Upon A Time In The Future: 2121, directed by Serpil Altin, continues its international success with an theatrical debut at Cinelounge in Los Angeles that premiered on January 31, 2025 for Indican Pictures, followed by a digital release on all major VOD platforms on February 11, 2025. The movie will reach then the theaters in San Francisco, Boston and Austin.

Marking a historic achievement, Serpil Altin is the first female filmmaker from Turkey to direct a feature-length sci-fi movie. The film is also Turkey’s first sustainable production. Produced by Altin and Korhan Ugur, the thought-provoking film stars Selen Öztürk, Çagdas Onur Öztürk, and Aysenil Samlioglu.

Set in a near-future where climate catastrophe has rendered the Earth uninhabitable, humanity is forced to live underground under the strict rule of the Young Generation, a totalitarian regime that enforces constant surveillance. In this bleak world, a family’s rigid existence is thrown into upheaval by the impending arrival of a long-awaited child.

Since its debut, Once Upon A Time In The Future: 2121 has captivated audiences worldwide, winning over 15 international awards, including Best Feature at the Brooklyn SciFi Film Festival, Best Sci-Fi Feature at London Sci-Fi and Phoenix International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festivals, and Best Film at the Sydney Sci-Fi Film Festival. The film was also honored with the Grand Prize at Scifian Festival in Korea.

Now, U.S. audiences will have the opportunity to experience this bold vision of the future on the big screen starting at Cinelounge Los Angeles on January 31, before its wide release on VOD platforms on February 11 by Indican Pictures.


Turkey, 2023 – 92 min. – Science Fiction, Drama

In the not-too-distant future of the year 2121, the earth has become uninhabitable due to climate crises and famine.

The few survivors have formed colonies and started to live in underground blocks. According to “The Scarcity Laws” of the hilariously zealous and dictatorial Young Administration that controls this complex and highly regulated system, old generations must be destroyed in exchange for new lives to keep the status quo of the population and their meager food stores in control.

The life of a family that lives in one of the blocks is suddenly changed by the imminent arrival of a new baby they are expecting. On the surface a seemingly bleak tale that is surprisingly funny at times with a hopeful nod to the resilience of humankind.



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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.
