The Wee-Jees – a true horrifying tale

Recently I was given the opportunity to read a new paranormal horror book by author Bryan Hutchinson call The Wee-Jees

The story is a true account of Bryan’s paranormal experiences from the time he lived in Germany as a child during the late 1970’s.

The story is told the through eyes of a young Bryan back when he briefly lived in Germany on an army barracks and made friends with other kids. They all experience some very scary paranormal encounters in a nearby forest which leads them on a scary journey.

The story starts from the day Bryan and his family arrive at their new home in Germany.

The story then progresses onto the group friends he made, the paranormal experiences they all encounter in the forest and in the den, which leads to calling themselves ‘The Daredevils’ and going on a discovery hoping that they are being lead to some treasure.

The book is well written and sets the scene from the off. Sending you back to what life was like back in the 1970’s.

The story incorporates well a coming of age aspect as well as capturing the young friendship bonds that were created within the gang while they all experience some true horrifying paranormal events.

While I was reading the book I was imagining the gang as something like the group of kids from the recent IT film, although younger versions.

The story is quite scary and chilling at times. The more the story progressed the more engrossing it became and was quite a page turner at times.

As the story is based on true events no wonder the memories have stayed with the author. Though memories from when being a child can become exaggerated over the years it would still have been a truly haunting experience for the gang.

I would highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking for new paranormal material to read.

The book is available now from Amazon on Kindle.  The print version should be due out later this year.

If you want to see more work from The Wee-Jees author Bryan Hutchinson you can follow is blog at

* I was given the opportunity to read The Wee-Jees for review purposes.  All thoughts are my own


About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.