This is NOT a ghost at Loughborough train station!

November 13, 2015

So I came across this article today on the Loughborough Echo website. It was titled “Ghost captured at Loughborough Train Station”.  Cool I thought, this might be interesting, lets open it up and see the ghost that was caught on camera…


…Err are they having a laugh!? …that’s blatantly the back of a womans head!

Have you seen this ghostly entity lurking around Loughborough they ask.  Most likely they have if they were there at the same time the woman was there.

Here is a close up… not that you need it.



Apparently they said “It looks like an African man to me and like there is also someone in a stripy t-shirt but I can guarantee that no one was in that picture”.   …Are you sure now?

The person who originally sent the photo to the Birmingham Mail remains anonymous but says “We were on an organised ghost hunt evening and there was myself, brother and partner.

“As we turned to walk off my partner felt something behind him so I took multiple photos.

“When we looked back at them only one had this image the rest had nothing in them.

“It looks like an African man to me and like there is also someone in a stripy t-shirt but I can guarantee that no one was in that picture.

“The picture is sideways and dark but look in the left hand corner at the grey figure. Would love to see it in the paper and see if anyone can shed any light on it especially as it’s in such a public place.”

Ghost photos usually get picked up pretty quickly by the big newspapers after they have appeared in local news and no doubt this will appear in the Telegraph or Daily Star or some other national newspaper, but surely they can see this isn’t a ghost?

I only see the back of a woman’s head with her hair in sort of loose pony tail and blurry image of a man.  Or am I looking in the wrong place, please tell me if you see a ghost? 🙂

You can read the original article here

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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