Readers Story: Alien Contact

This story is shared by Eric Polson. He had a strange experience one night back in the 1970’s. Can anyone help him to find what actually happened?

This is his story:

“Sometime in the late 1970’s I was living in Cottage Grove, OR.

While living there I would frequently go what is now called Mary White Bridge on 6th Street to where the river passed under the road. I would spend time just thinking about “things” and when I was done I would go back home.

One afternoon I was once again sitting by the river thinking about some recent local UFO reports. As I was sitting there a rather loud voice entered my head saying “be outside tonight at midnight, and you will have your answers.” I was a bit startled by it, as it was clear enough to have been said to me by someone sitting right next to me.

When I got back home I told my then girlfriend, now wife, what I had experienced. We both agreed that we needed to be outside at midnight.

The weather during the day was a rather low ceiling of cloud cover but no rain. We both have no recollection of us being outside that night.

The next morning we listened to the local news on KNND, a local radio station. There was a news story about a flood of calls to both the Cottage Grove Police and the radio station at about midnight from people reporting a large orange-ish light just into the bottom of the cloud cover.

Over the years, we both let the incident get filed in the backs of our minds. I had forgotten about the incident until about five or ten years ago when my interest in the UFO subject was piqued by some recent incidents.

I took no action until about four years ago when I sought regressive hypnosis to see why the incident had become so prominent in my mind. The one session I had seemed to bring back some memories, but the hypnotist asked too many leading questions.

I considered going back, buy I was a little un-trusting because of the questions asked during the first session.

I would still like to have a much deeper hypnosis session to get more directly back to the incident and try to discover what actually happened, but don’t know where to go to get credible help.”

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